Friday, September 13, 2019
Proceeds from this fundraiser will underwrite concerts for children and elderly shut-ins.
Airway Meadows Golf Course
262 Brownville R0ad
Gansevoort, NY 12831
Registration Form
Nine Hole Scramble Format
Registration at 2:45 followed by a 3:30 Shotgun Start
Entry fee – $75 per person
Includes greens fee, cart, appetizers and soft drinks. Cash bar available.
Players in the foursome:
1. Name_________________________ E-mail ______________________
2. Name_________________________ E-mail ____________________
3. Name_________________________ E-mail ______________________
4. Name_________________________ E-mail ______________________
Phone_____________ Players may sign up individually and will be placed on a team.
I am unable to play but would like to make a donation of $ _______________________
Deadline for registration is August 28, 2019.
Please mail completed Registration forms and checks (payable to Saratoga Chamber Players) to: Saratoga Chamber Players, % Barbara Calhoun, 54 Waterview Drive, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866
Or you may PAY ONLINE
Note: Dress code includes soft spikes or sneakers only, collared shirts preferred. No cut-off jeans or muscle shirts. Please do not bring coolers from home.