Friday, September 17, 2021
Proceeds from this fundraiser will underwrite concerts and our school programs for children.
Airway Meadows Golf Course
262 Brownville R0ad
Gansevoort, NY 12831
Registration Form
Nine Hole Scramble Format
Registration at 2:45 followed by a 3:30 Shotgun Start
Entry fee – $70 per person
Includes greens fee, cart, appetizers and soft drinks. Cash bar available.
Players in the foursome:
1. Name_________________________ E-mail ______________________
2. Name_________________________ E-mail ____________________
3. Name_________________________ E-mail ______________________
4. Name_________________________ E-mail ______________________
Phone_____________ Players may sign up individually and will be placed on a team.
I am unable to play but would like to make a donation of $ _______________________
Deadline for registration is September 2, 2021.
Please mail completed Registration forms and checks (payable to Saratoga Chamber Players) to: Saratoga Chamber Players, % Paty Rubio, 6 Avery Street, Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866
Or you may PAY ONLINE
Note: Dress code includes soft spikes or sneakers only, collared shirts preferred. No cut-off jeans or muscle shirts. Please do not bring coolers from home.